Monday, February 19, 2007

Throwing ideas like snowballs

Idea of this blog is to challenge ourselves and our ideas at the level of thoughts and concrete material and form. The purpose is that one can convey his or her ideas to others in the process of making jewellery. When an idea or a product is finished, it is passed on to the next participant and they will make their own concept of the object and give new meanings to it And then it is again given forward.
This cycle will take three to four weeks from each person to the next.

The point of beginning is "This Moment" and Naakuma is the first to present her work.

The process is presented here in the form of images and words.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Neljä ihmistä, neljä ideologiaa ja ajatusta. Neljä paikkakuntaa. Neljä eri kohtaloa ja neljä eri tarinaa. Tämä on risteyspaikka.

Four different persons, four ideologies and thoughts. Four different destinies and four different stories. This is a junction point